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Josemaria Escriva: Episode Five

Josemaria Escriva: Episode Five


Josemaria Escriva: Episode Five

🗺️ Josemaria Escriva - Episode Five: Through the Mountains

November, 1937. Low on rations, hungry, tired, and frightened, Josemaria and his friends are sustained by faith. As the smugglers lead them up through the Pyrenees, republican death squads scour the mountains, hunting them down. Will the men of Opus Dei make it through the mountains alive?

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Age 7+
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Josemaria Escriva: Episode Five

The St. Josemaria Institute is a proud sponsor of The Merry Beggars’ Josemaria Escriva series.

For St. Josemaria, the path to holiness is found when we welcome God into the ordinary moments of our lives - in traffic, doing laundry, working, studying, or playing. The mission of the St. Josemaria Institute is to help people discover the beauty and power of this spirituality, deepening their relationship with Christ and helping them to live the power of the Gospel in their ordinary lives.

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