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Original Audio Entertainment for the Whole Family.

We are creatives who are driven to create something extraordinary. We are not content with the status quo. We don’t complain, we create. We take nothing for granted. And when things get messy, we buckle down and find a path through any obstacle. All with a smile on our face. Why?

Because God put us on Earth to bring Hope to the downtrodden and Love to those cast aside. That’s just what it means to be a Merry Beggar.

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The Impact of Our Shows

1,000,000+ Downloads

The Original Audio Entertainment produced by the Merry Beggars is being enjoyed by thousands of families internationally.

Hundreds of Thousands of Families

Our award winning team of producers, writers, and actors have created content with a massive impact. The best part? We're just getting started.

Free for Forever

The generosity of our donors has made it possible for our content to reach a wide audience, impact our culture, and tell exceptional stories.

Why join our team?

Incredible Mission

In a culture with sky-rocketing depression and anxiety, we provide beautiful and life-giving entertainment to families everywhere. Our work reconnects families and fires children’s imaginations. The stories we hear from them are fuel for our mission.

High Achieving Team

Join a team of other high-achieving creatives and professionals, eager to have an impact on our culture. We work hard and bring excellence to every area because that’s who we are.

Catholic Culture

We pray at every meeting and center our work around God and his Love for us. We work hard to cultivate a virtuous and joyful culture inside and outside our team.

Great Benefits

Full time employees receive PTO, healthcare, lunch, and retirement benefits. Contractors get flexible hours, remote work, and industry competitive pay.

Remote & In-Person Roles

Whether you’re here in Lincolnshire, Illinois or in Hawaii, you’re part of our team. We combine in-person and remote work asynchronously to leverage world-class talent across the United States.
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Email in your resume to join our Talent Pool and be considered for all future positions.

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