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The Saints
Pier Giorgio Frassati: Episode Four

Pier Giorgio Frassati: Episode Four


Pier Giorgio Frassati: Episode Four

🗺️ Pier Giorgio Frassati - Episode Four: A Turning Point

One day after Pier Giorgio's arrest. Daylight breaks in the jail cell where we left Pier Giorgio, Father Matteo, and the three fascist blackshirts. But something has happened - an event that has changed the hearts of everyone.

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Age 7+
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Pier Giorgio Frassati talks with Father Matteo about his vocation and the faith. He continues to earnestly discern his vocation and the direction that God is calling him.

Tense conversation between Pier Giorgio Frassati and his father Alfredo. Pier Giorgio has a health crisis when his friends are about to go out for a boating expedition. Smaller children may be frightened by the sudden health crisis.


Pier Giorgio Frassati: Episode Four
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