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The Saints
Saint Dymphna: Episode Five

Saint Dymphna: Episode Five


Saint Dymphna: Episode Five

🗺️ Saint Dymphna - Episode Five: Lily of Eiru

Geel, 643. Three years after Dymphna's martyrdom, pilgrims flock to the little town, seeking the Gaelic saint's spiritual intercession. But what became of Dymphna's friends? And what became of Mila?

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Age 7+
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Saint Dymphna is an example of purity and love. Fleeing from her Father, she arrives in the town of Geel - there, becoming a dear friend of Mila, a local girl who doesn’t really fit in. The example she provides of care and love for those surrounding her have made her and the town of Geel famous for their care for the mentally ill. 

This series contains moments of intensity, including raised voices and arguments. The death of a parent is mentioned. A child is bullied for her mental illness. References are made to King Damon wanting to marry his own daughter. A martyrdom is referenced.


Saint Dymphna: Episode Five
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