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The Saints
Joan of Arc: Episode Three

Joan of Arc: Episode Three


Joan of Arc: Episode Three

🗺️ Joan of Arc - Episode Three: The Patriot

Laxart’s seventeen year old niece, Joan of Arc, bangs on his door in the early hours of the morning. She walked thirteen miles alone. In the dark. In a war torn country. A country weary from one hundred years of war. God has chosen her to save France, but can Joan convince a war general to listen to a seventeen year old girl?

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Episode Rating

Age 7+
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Rating Reason

Joan boldly follows God’s commands, at great risk. She displays confidence in God’s Providence and great courage. The episode emphasizes faith and courage in the face of great obstacles.

Some elements of intensity include Baudricourt mocking Joan and a dramatic argument between the two. Joan becomes impatient and questions Saint Margaret.


Joan of Arc: Episode Three
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