Episode One: Mr. Dickens
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Episode One: Mr. Dickens
Join us in 1843 at the Royal Victoria Theater in London, England! Mr. Charles Dickens will be doing a public reading of his most recent work, A Christmas Carol. If we hurry, we might just make it.
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Episode One: Mr. Dickens
Narrator - Peter Atkinson
Old Man - Stephen Lee Rich
Boy - Ellis Torrence Myers
Presenter - Alan Ball
Charles Dickens - Zeuben Painter-Edington
Writing and Adaptation - Peter Atkinson and Buzz McLaughlin
Sound Design - Theresa Ambat
Sound Engineering - Kevin Conroy
Casting and Production - Peter Atkinson and Michaela Elise Fox
Singing was provided by the Lincolnshire Relevant Radio Staff, the choir of St. Peter’s in Volo, and The Merry Beggars Ensemble.