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August 23, 2024

Serving The Master: Saint Francis of Assisi

August 23, 2024
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The Master or the Man?

The year 1202. Italy was a land of warring city-states, each fighting for dominance. In Assisi a young man named Francesco di Bernardone, the son of a wealthy cloth merchant, indulged in all the pleasures of medieval nobility. Loved by his peers and cherished by his family, Francesco lived a life of comfort and luxury, with little concern for matters of faith. But unbeknownst to him, his carefree days were numbered, as his destiny held a purpose far greater than he could imagine. Soon, Francesco di Bernardone - would become Saint Francis of Assisi.

Youth and Privilege

Francesco was the life of Assisi’s social scene—handsome, wealthy, and charming. Religion was the last thing on his mind; instead, he sought out the thrill of parties and the camaraderie of friends. However, his life took an unexpected turn when Perugia declared war on Assisi. Eager for glory, Francesco volunteered to fight, but the reality of combat was far from the adventure he envisioned. Assisi’s forces were defeated, and Francesco was left for dead on the battlefield, then captured by the enemy.
Imprisoned in Perugia, Francesco was ravaged by fever. Among his dreams, a voice, cutting through his delirium, posed a question that would change his life: “Will you follow the master or the man?”

When his parents finally ransomed him, they found a changed Francesco. The vibrant, carefree young man they had known was gone, replaced by someone who no longer found joy in his former life. His friends tried to rekindle his old passions, but Francesco’s heart was set on a different path—a path that led him closer to God.
Confused by his son’s transformation, Francesco’s father summoned Bishop Guido, fearing he might be possessed. But instead of an exorcism, the Bishop offered encouragement, urging Francesco to continue his spiritual journey. This newfound faith led him to a fateful discovery while wandering the countryside with his friend Aldous.

Rebuild my Church

In the ruins of a small church, Francesco found a beautiful cross buried in the rubble. Feeling a divine call to restore the church, he sold a shipment of his father’s silks to finance the repairs. His father, furious over the loss, demanded a public hearing before the Bishop. But instead of apologizing, Francesco made a dramatic gesture—he stripped off his rich clothes, symbolically renouncing his family’s wealth and embracing a life of poverty.

Francesco, Aldous, and a few followers then retreated to the wilderness, where they dedicated themselves to rebuilding the Church of San Damiano. They begged for food and materials, enduring mockery and persecution, yet they remained steadfast in their mission. Despite the hardships, Francesco’s message of poverty, simplicity, and freedom resonated with many, leading to the formation of the Franciscan Order.

The Legacy of Poverty

What began as a small band of devoted followers quickly grew into a global movement, spreading the teachings of Christ and transforming lives across the world. Francesco di Bernardone, once a frivolous party-goer, had become Saint Francis of Assisi—a beacon of faith and humility whose legacy continues to inspire millions.

This week on The Saints: Adventures of Faith and Courage, immerse yourself in the dramatic story of Saint Francis’s transformation. Witness his journey from a life of indulgence to one of profound faith, and experience the challenges and triumphs of his early followers as they spread Christ’s message and rebuild His Church. Listen at!

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