Saint Drogo
Jan. 27 & Feb. 6
Feb. 11
Up to $225
See the Roles
Earnest young man tormented by his past. Single-minded in his search for redemption. Loves animals. Direct, determined.
BERNARD. 40-50. Light French dialect. Drogo's stern but understanding uncle. Nobleman.
GENNARO. 40-50. Light Italian dialect. Jovial Italian farmer who takes Drogo under his wing.
ELIZABETH. 40-60. Light French dialect. A widowed estate owner. Witty. Headstrong and direct with a soft interior.
NUN. 40-50. Light Italian dialect. A stern nun who works at the hospital. Very direct to the point of appearing uncaring.
Confused daughter of French Woman.
FRENCH MAN #2. 30s. Light French dialect. Care-free drunkard.
COACHMAN. 40s. Light Italian dialect. An uncaring cart driver.
Local parish priest. Intuitive, compassionate. Knows people and how to counsel them.
Please submit an audio recording of the "Our Father" sung in Latin. A sheet music reference is provided for your convenience, and you can also listen to an audio example at the following link.:
Pierre's sweet younger sister. Inquisitive. Speaks her mind. Fascinated by Drogo and drawn to him.
A farnhand from a poor family. Sarcastic. Loves to tease his younger sister, Marie. Lonely and looking for a friend.
SOPHIE. 20-30s. Collette's more innocent friend
FRENCH WOMAN. 40s. A busybody townsperson.